Milk Thistle Extract  Milk Thistle Extract can protect liver cells by blocking the entry of harmful toxins and helping to remove these substances from liver cells. Like other bioflavonoids, silymarin is a powerful antioxidant, and silymarin has also been shown to regenerate damaged liver cells. Milk thistle is also known as milk thistle, bitter thistle, etc. The plant is called milk thistle because of the white veins on its leaves that make it look like milk dripping from the milk of Mary the Virgin, according to legend. Dioscorides wrote that the seeds of milk thistle could be used to treat snake bites. This plant is native to the Mediterranean and is now found throughout Europe, North America and Australia. Milk thistle has been used in Europe for thousands of years to protect the liver. Its seeds were added to milk by European nurses to ensure nutritional value. The heads of milk thistles can be boiled and eaten like artichokes. Milk thistle seeds promote protein synthe…

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