Shrouded Box Header Introduction Box Header is usually called:  which is usually composed of square plastic socket and several square pins arranged in order. The difference between the simple ox connector and the ox horn connector is that the simple ox horn connector removes the buckles on both sides. Classification of Box Header: Box Header are divided in o 1.27mm pitch Box Header, 2.0mm pitch Box Header and 2.54mm pitch Box Header according to PIN needle gauge. The diameter of the square row needles used will be changed accordingly according to the different pitch.According to the installation form, it can be divided in o straight needle Box Header, curved needle Box Header and SMT patch Box Header. Function of Box Header: Box Header is welded on PCB board, connect IDC cable of corresponding specifications, and then form the circuit connection mode required by the designer with other circuits. Usually used to transmit control signals an…

Home Electronic Components, Accessories & Telecommunications Connector Accessories 2.54 mm Male Box Header Connector H=9.0 DIP Straight Type Add Housing

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