Boosting Immunity Extract Of Peganine Herbal extract Peganine has certain help for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, can stabilize the heart rate, prevent  heart disease, and belongs to a natural anticancer substance, can prevent cancer, mainly produced in the desert areas of Ningxia  and Qinghai. Application Harbourine, dehydroharbourine, demethoxyharbourine and Harol have extensive effects on the central nervous system of animals. Harponine has excitatoryeffects on cortex, motor center, spinal cord and pontine, and can cause hallucination, tremor, paroxysmal convulsion and some specific movements and stiffness of limbs. The effect of dehydroharbourine is similar to that of harbourine, whereas demethoxyharbourine causes progressive paralysis without initial excitation,and large doses inhibit the central nervous system, leading to a drop in blood pressure and death. Alkaloids are also monoamine oxidase inhibitors in the brain,among which dehydro…

Home Health & Medical Plant Extract Harmaline powder Camelwool Seed Extract 98% Peganine

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