Non-GOM Corn Sourced IMO90 Isomalto OligosaccharideIsomalto-oligosaccharide (IMO) is a moderately sweet carbohydrate thatoccurs naturally, though in small quantities, in honey. It is also found infermented foods such as miso and soy sauce. It has certain beneficialproperties similar to Oligofructose and Inulin. Like these it is made up ofcarbohydrate chains that are resistant to digestion, and therefore low incalories. 1. Introduction Isomalto-oligosaccharide is a food ingredient that is added to various foods as either powder or a syrup. Chemically, IMO is a mixture of glucose oligomers with alpha-(1-6)-linkages such as isomaltose, panose, isomaltotriose, and isomaltopentose. The majority of glucose oligosaccharides found in I…
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