Glow-in-the-dark PLA filament is special type of polylactic acid (PLA) filament designed for 3D printing. This filament incorporates special photoluminescentmaterials, usually a form of pigment oradditive that can absorb light energy(usually UV light) during exposure and thenslowly release that energy as visible light inthe form of a glow after being removedfrom the light source.   The process behind this glow effect isknown as photoluminescence, where thematerial absorbs photons (light particles)and then emits light over an extendedperiod, creating an illuminated appearancein low or no light conditions. The intensityand duration of the glow depend on severalfactors, including the quality andconcentration of the photoluminescentadditives used, the amount of lightabsorbed, and the environmental factorssuch as humidity and temperature.   This 3D Printer Filament Color Change for Each 5-10m, It's Multi Beautiful Colors Showed in One Finished Item;Glow in The Dark Luminous PLA is…

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