Commodity Name Factory Gym Strength Fitness Thigh Muscle Exercise Inner Lateral Hip Abduction Machine Product Code LJ-5118 Brand LJFITNESS Design and color Customers can choose the certain color for painting and cushions,meanwhile,factory can customize customers' detailed change for some certain parts based on large quantity Spraying coating Three layers Electrostatic spraying Exporting experience we have been doing this business for over 10 years,exported to over 70 countries,has lots of experience in kinds of payment methods,exporting and importing policies,can offer customers one-stop ordering service Weight stack Standard weight stack is 80kg,but optional Factory visiting All customers are so warmly welcome to come and visit our factory,production line,we will offer cars and other ways to pick up you from the train station or airport exercise angle Based on biomechanical principles Strongpoints 1)perfect design ideas from American professional experts 2)attr…
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