RB-SiC, or reaction-bonded silicon carbide, is a form of silicon carbide that is manufactured through a unique process involving the reaction of silicon with carbon. This material is known for its excellent properties and is utilized in various applications due to its versatility. SiC blank is used in commercial applications such as lightweight scan mirrors, semiconductor wafer handling, and reflective imaging systems. MG-Optics has pioneered an industry-leading process for manufacturing SiC mirror for industry, defense, and research applications.  What can we offer? RB-SiC materials RB-SiC near net-shaped blanks based on specification Light-weighted RB-SiC mirror blanks Ultra light-weighted RB-SiC mirror blanks     Why choose MG-Optics? We have 2 sets of DMG milling machines and 2 sets of satisloh milling machines. High quality and high efficiency. Favorable price. The maximum diameter we can produce is 2000mm.   Custom Ordering Informati…

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