Calcium Fluoride (CaF₂) Aspheric Lenses are precision optical components designed to deliver superior performance in various applications requiring high-quality imaging and minimal distortion. These lenses are crafted from high-purity calcium fluoride, a material renowned for its excellent transmittance across a wide spectrum of wavelengths, including the ultraviolet (UV), visible, and infrared (IR) regions. As one of important IR and UV Optics, MG-Optics supply custom design of CaF₂ aspheric lenses, precision polishing, custom CGH for optical metrology to ensure the high surface quality.Spectral Range:These lenses offer outstanding transmission characteristics across multiple spectral regions:- Ultraviolet (UV): Excellent transmission from 180nm onwards- Visible Spectrum: High clarity and color fidelity- Infrared (IR): Superior performance extending into the mid-infrared rangeMechanical Properties:- Thermal Stability: Resistant to thermal fluctuations, maintaining optical pe…

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